Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0933

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Intended Procedure Type.


Name:v2 Intended Procedure Type
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0933 ( Intended Procedure Type)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

Intended Procedure Type

2RC Double Red Cellsadded v2.8
GRN Granulocytesadded v2.8
HEM Hemachromatosisadded v2.8
HPC Hematopoietic Progenitor CellsStem Cells and other cells classified as Hematopoieticadded v2.8
LYM Lymphocytesadded v2.8
PLS Plasmaadded v2.8
PLT Plateletsadded v2.8
PNP Platelets and Plasmaadded v2.8
PNR Platelets and Red Cellsadded v2.8
PPR Platelets, Plasma, and Red Cellsadded v2.8
THA Therapeutic Apheresisadded v2.8
THW Therapeutic Whole Bloodadded v2.8
WBL Whole Bloodadded v2.8